Stroke disease patients usually have a nervous breakdown due to blockage of blood vessels in the head. There are various symptoms of neurological disorders ranging from neurological disorders in the muscles of the face, forget, get angry, to the interruption controlling hand and foot muscles. Central Nervous System consists of the brain and spinal cord (spinal nerves). Central Nervous System has approximately 100 billion nerve cells. These nerve cells send signals to more than 640 muscles that spread throughout the body. In stroke patients, the affected nerve cells ranged from 0.1% to 5%.
Keroncong songs turned out to have a higher benefit index, which is +5 to +10. With Benefits Index +5 to +10, keroncong can nourish approximately 5% to 10% or 5 billion to 10 billion nerve cells.
Indonesian folk songs also have a high index of positive benefits, which is +5 to +10. Thus, folk songs can also be healthy Indenesia approximately 5% to 10% or 5 billion to 10 billion nerve cells.
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